Privacy policy

The Privacy policy lays down information about gathering personal data from purchasers of services and products offered by TROTON Ltd. with headquarters in Ząbrowo, Ząbrowo 14A, 78-120 Gościno, POLAND VAT: PL 671-16-10-078, share capital: 8 215 000 Polish zloty, KRS: 0000187692 and the way they are processed according to actions connected with carrying out the contract.

The aim of the Policy is to introduce how we collect, store and process personal data.

The Administrator of the data is:

Ząbrowo 14A
78-120 Gościno

tel. +48 94 35 126 22

The security applied by TROTON Ltd. ensures the protection of the data according to the requirements of the European Parliament and the Council (UE) 2016/679 from 27th of April 2016 in natural person protection, in matter of processing personal data and free flow of the data and repeal the directive 95/46/WE and the law from 10th of May 2018 about personal data protection.


  • Personal data – means information about identified and possible to identify natural person („person, the data applies to”); possible to identify natural person is a person who can be directly or indirectly identified, especially on the basis of an identifier such as name and surname, identification number, data about location, internet identifier or one or few special factors which define physical, physiological, genetical, mental, economic, cultural and social identity of the natural person.
  • Processing subject – means a natural person or a legal entity, public authority, unit or a different subject, which processes personal data on behalf of the Administrator.
  • Processing – means an operation or a set of operations regarding personal data or a set of personal data in an automated way or not automated such as collecting, embedding, organising, arranging, storing, processing, adapting or modifying, downloading, browsing, using, showing by sending, spreading or sharing, matching or joining, constricting, deleting or destroying.
  • RODO – Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council (UE) 2016/679 from the 27th of April 2016 in matter of protecting natural persons because of processing personal data and free low of such data and repealing the directive 95/46/WE (general regulation about data protection).
  • Act – the act from the 10th of May 2018 about personal data protection.

In what way do we collect personal data

The personal data is gathered in the following situations:

  1. Data given voluntarily:
    • During filling in the contact form we collect information needed to contact you such as: name, surname, email address and telephone. Sharing data is voluntary, but it must enable us to contact you.
  2. Information saved automatically:
    • We use analytical tools such as Google Analytics, which collect anonymous information about: our website visits, subpages you visited, time you spend on a subpage.
    • We use remarketing tools such as Google AdWords and Facebook, in order to send you ads. It involves using cookies files from Facebook and Google.
    • We screen films from YouTube on our website. Watching these films requires accepting cookies files from Google regarding the YouTube service.
  3. Public information

The way we use your personal data

We process your personal data in order to execute the contract (art. 6 Act 1 lit b RODO).

We use aggregated or anonymised data in order to improve Troton Ltd servers and to prepare new offers and promotions. In order to improve and keep Troton Ltd’s servers we use collected technical data analysing the use of the server by the equipment, way and quality of the way the server works as well as the users activity in the server. (art. 6 Act 1 lit f RODO).

Troton Ltd. reserves the right to send messages to people, whose contact details it has and who agreed to be sent such messages. The concept of a message means information which is directly about services (internal promotions, opportunities to finance training courses), non-commercial letters (e.g. wishes) and commercial information (newsletters and other marketing materials) (art. 6 ust 1 Act b RODO).

Sharing personal data

In order to deliver services Troton Ltd. shares personal data such as name, surname, firm’s address to the postal operator or the courier company, only in the scope essential to deliver an order.


Your shared personal data can be profiled in order to offer you similar services and products tailored to your preferences.

Sending data to other countries

We do not send your personal data to other countries. Your data can only be processed in Poland.

Permissions from people regarding their data

The right to make a complain related to the processing of their personal data by the Administrator or an entity/organisation, whose the data was shared with:

Prezes Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych (The CEO of the Personal Data Protection Council)
ul. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warszawa

tel. +48 22 531 03 00
fax. +48 22 531 03 01

The right to demand information about processed data

The right to demand to rectify data, which is incorrect. To consider aims of processing, the person who the data applies to, has the right to fill in incomplete personal data, also with an additional statement.

The right to demand limit data processing in following cases, when:

  1. the person, who the data applies to, questions the correctness of personal data – for the period the Administrator is able to check the correctness of the data;
  2. processing is against the law, if the person who the data applies to, is against removing personal data, demanding the limitation of its use;
  3. the Administrator does no longer need personal data for the aim of processing, but they are needed for the person, who the data applies to, in order to determine, pursue or defend claims;
  4. the person, who the data applies to, raises objections about processing – until it is stated, whether the Administrator’s legally justified grounds are imperative to the objection of the person the data applies to.

The right to be forgotten

The person, who the data applies to, has the right to demand from the Administrator to immediately delete their personal data and the Administrator has the duty without delay to remove the personal data, if one of the following circumstances occur:

  1. personal data is no longer necessary for the aims, in which they were collected or processed in a different way;
  2. the lack of legal basis of processing;
  3. a person, the data applies to, raises an objection about processing and there is no imperative legally justified grounds for processing;
  4. personal data was processed against the law;
  5. personal data has to be deleted to fulfil the legal duty in the UE law or the law of the member state, which the Administrator is subjected to;
  6. personal data was collected in order to offer services for information society.

The demand to remove your personal data needs to be sent by email to: The subject of the email please write “Removal of personal data request”.

The period of personal data processing

The period of data processing can result from legal processes, in case when they constitute the processing basis.

In case of data processing on the basis of justified interest of the Administrator, the data is processed in the period which enables to implement and object effectively against data processing.

If the processing takes place on the basis of a permission, the data processed can be withdrawn.

In case of when the basis of processing constitutes an essential step in entering into a contract and its implementation, the data will be processed until the moment of termination of the contract.

The period of processing personal data can be extended in case the processing is essential in determining, pursue and defend claims against possible claims, and after this period, only in case of and the scope of law requirement. After the period of processing, the data is irreversibly deleted and anonymized.

The way we conduct changes in Privacy Policy

We still develop our services, some of which may require changes in the Privacy policy in the future.

In case of introducing essential changes in Privacy policy we do our best to inform you about it by sending an email, by phone and/or by an announcement in Troton Ltd. channels. This is why we ask you to read coming up announcements.


To sum up, if you have any further questions or doubts please contact us by email, phone or post:

TROTON Sp. z o.o.
Zabrowo 14A
78-120 Goscino

tel. +48 94 35 126 22

The Administrator in order to process personal data is TROTON Ltd. with headquarters in Ząbrowo, Ząbrowo 14A, 78-120 Gościno, POLAND registered with KRS nr: 0000187692.

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