
We cleaned up Parsęta river bank

In 2018, for the 13th time, Troton – celebrating the 40th anniversary, Gaja Club from Bielsko-Biała, Porozumienie dla Parsęty and nature lovers, met up on the Parsęta bridge in Ząbrowo in order to clean up its river bank together.

Hundreds of children and adults took part in the clean-up. A skip full of rubbish was collected from the river bank. Thanks to the environmental education people are able to appreciate and protect nature where they live. “There is still a lot to be done” – says the CEO of Troton Jan Wołejszo. Jacek Bożek from the Gaja Club mentioned about a successful community capital building surrounding the river, emphasizing that it is “their” meet up with “their” river.

After the clean-up, celebration with music and feast started. Employees of Troton prepared something special for kids. The little ones used Troton’s new cans and changed them into piggy banks. Ogon do Góry Foundation from Kołobrzeg also prepared creative arts and crafts for children. During the art workshop beautifully decorated houses for wild cats were created.

More about Troton’s dedication to environmental actions can be found here.

We cleaned up Parsęta river bank

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