Corporate Social Responsibility is a key aspect in Troton’s actions to care about the environment.
Being responsible as a corporation does not only mean meeting formal and legal requirements, but it is also an investment in human resources, environmental protection and relationship with partners.
Corporate Social Responsibility means, for Troton, especially an investment in people and ecology. Idea to propagate ecological awareness is always more important than costs and revenue for us. Thanks to such types of solutions in improving actions and tasks to reduce negative impact on the environment, we were awarded ISO 14001 Certificate. We are proud to be able to show off our ecological achievements.
Taking into account that Troton is located on a hill which neighbours Parsęta river, we joined the Programme of the ecological education “Adopt the river – the Agreement for Parsęta”.
We are glad that our actions have been so widely supported by the local government. Troton’s employees have also actively taken part in a variety of projects and initiated community ecological engagement in our annual “Clean-up of Parsęta river bank”, which is the agreement between Troton, ecological Gaja Club, local schools and government. All of the parties joined the Programme “Adopt the river – the Agreement for Parsęta”, which aim is to make people aware of the relationship between the river and nature and its role in the community.
Our company takes part in the clean-up, spreads educational awareness, propagate looking after Parsęta river from Gościno Borough to Dygowo and nature, shares ecological information as well as organises events and programmes which popularize ecological actions.
This is why, after one of the clean-ups of Parsęta river, we created a little hut for insects on the grounds of our company. Because of Covid, after 13 years of our actions in the aforementioned programme, it had to be ceased. Last time, the clean-up of Parsęta river took place in 2019.
120m from the eastern border of our company, Nature 2000 area is located. It is to protect the habitat of Parsęta river basin. Parsęta a littorial river – unique in the scale of Poland, being a natural environment for whitefish. It enables maintenance of a natural population of this fish species in Poland. Parsęta river basin is currently a special area of protection of habitat with code PLH320007 selected by the European Ecological Network Nature 2000 and it encompasses a lot of important habitats from the Attachment of 1st Directive Council 93/43/EWG.
Wolves are a species living in forests, plains, marshes and mountains. They require a lot of space, which due to urbanization and environment degradation disappears from our planet and threatens wolves extinction.
Breeding wolves enables observation and procreation in similar conditions to wolves’ natural habitat, which main aim is to bring back the species to its natural environment. The Experimental Station from Stobnica from the Department of Zoology, University of Life Sciences in Poznań is one of the most prosperous ones in Poland.
Troton has been a proud sponsor of the Station since 2005. Taking an honorable patronage of the Station, we decided to adopt a wolf into our company’s logo.
All rainwater from the area of both of our factories is cleaned in five separators, thanks to which we eliminate the risk of ground poisoning.
The separators are cleaned periodically, measurements and rainwater quality examinations are conducted, which have an active impact on the environment. There are five places, where we collect the rainwater from our company’s land. The results of the rainwater examination are conducted by an accredited laboratory.
For 13 years, we had supported Gaja Club, its projects and planting trees in “The Tree Day” programmes.
Throughout these years, we took an active part in national and international planting of trees and establishing an ecological education programme. We managed to plant 56 000 trees in Poland, for which we were awarded “The Magical Tree” Award. Unfortunately, also in case of supporting this project, Covid inhibited further actions and the last tree planting took place in 2019.
“The Tree Day” is a national and international programme of planting trees and an ecological education programme. The aim of the programme is to inspire a local community to support pro-ecological local actions, mostly connected with planting and caring of trees.
Troton currently financially supports Miodowa Przystań – the apiary. On its land, in Parsęta river valley, our company’s beehive is located.
Troton also engages in sponsoring awards in legal fishing competitions in Salmo Sport Fishing Club.